Traditional, sound-absorbing and draining asphalts, cemented mixture and Nature asphalt: Del Debbio Spa can produce and use five different types of bituminous conglomerates, each of which satisfies all the specific environmental and territorial needs established during the design phase.
Del Debbio Spa produces three types of traditional asphalts: Binder Base 0/30, Binder 0/20 and Usura 0/05.
Binder Base 0/30
It is a semi-closed bituminous conglomerate with high mechanical resistance. Binder Base 0/30 is the first layer of the road superstructure in contact with the substrate. It is made hot mixing, directly in our plant, coarse aggregates, crushed stones, grits, crushing sands, and a mineral additive (also called filler), together with a usual road bituminous binder.
Binder 0/20
Binder 0/20 is a semi-closed bituminous conglomerate with high mechanical resistance, which works as an anchoring layer for the wear top layer. It is made hot mixing, directly in our plant, coarse aggregates, crushed stones, grits, crushing sands, and a mineral additive (filler), together with a usual road bituminous binder.
Usura 0/05
Usura 0/05 – also called mat – is a closed bituminous conglomerate that constitutes the upper layer of minor paving. It is made hot mixing, directly in our plant, grits, crushing sands, and mineral additives (fillers), together with a usual road bituminous binder.
It is used in the wear top layers (carpet) of bituminous conglomerate multilayer paving in small parking areas for light vehicles, sidewalks, pedestrian areas, small temporary restorations of the road surface in case of excavations for pipes or pipelines.
To obtain sound-absorbing or anti-noise asphalts, you need wear layers with optimized texture.
They are special bituminous conglomerate mixtures used to create particular closed-type wear layers; their granulometric composition allows to reduce any sound emission or rolling noise that are caused by the resonance phenomena generated by the wheels on the road.
The use of sound-absorbing bituminous conglomerates, when building a road surface, allows compensating for the various components of rolling noise such as, for instance, vibration noises, the main cause of the phenomenon (60% -80%), which are produced by the interaction of the tire with the pavement.
Draining and sound-absorbing conglomerates are obtained through specially modified bitumens and specific granulometric curves that allow to produce a material with a high percentage of voids, to grant the permeability of the road surface and improve its sound absorption.
Those types of pavements have been used for a long time, mostly in the construction of highways; they help to drain the residual water on the surface – thus eliminating the phenomenon known as aquaplaning – and they reduce and absorb the noise due to the tires rolling. They are usually produced with virgin, natural or synthetic materials unless otherwise specified.
Due to the regional legislation, Del. With. Reg. Toscana n. 230 of 21/06/94 and to the UNI EN 13108-7 standard, Bituminous mixtures – Specifications of the material – Part 7: Bituminous conglomerate with a high content of voids, Del Debbio Spa developed a particular completely draining conglomerate, which allows the rainwater to filter in the ground below, ensuring thus a permeability equal, if not higher, than that of gravel ground.
Produced in the plant Del Debbio Spa owns in Marlia (LU) (link to the plants in Marlia), the cemented mixture is usually used to fill excavation trenches after the installation of underground services.
Moreover, thanks to a collaboration with Professor Alessandro Marradi, the cemented mixture has also been used with very satisfactory results to replace the “hot base” layer.
A layer of cement mixture is produced in the plant using only aggregates obtained through selection and collection of construction and demolition waste raw materials, as provided by, since 2006, the Tuscan Regional Council n.337 and reported in the “Paving Catalog” Bulletin CNR 139.
The result is a remarkable environmental benefit, as the quantity of virgin raw materials used, coming from non-renewable sources (quarries), is considerably reduced. The quantity of the materials deposited at landfills (which is scarcely reusable) is significantly reduced too.
As the journey to the recycling plant replaces that to the landfill, all the CO2 and NOx “unproductive” emissions are also effectively eliminated.
Using a cement mixture instead of bituminous conglomerates for the base layer has further positive aspects: fewer pollutants are released during the production of bituminous conglomerates; therefore, the working conditions of the operators using the paver improve as their risk of inhaling odorous fumes diminishes. Moreover, the useful life of the paving increases.